Ongoing Polls!
: Impossible Trivia 1 on 1st Try? :
Be honest, now.

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: Impossible Trivia 2 on 1st Try? :
Be honest, now.

   Current Results


Old Polls!

Well, you can't vote on 'em anymore, but you can see what others said. Mildly interesting!

: Did Ms. Harper really tell Davis she thought he was hot? [35 votes total] : 

 + No, he imagined it. (4) 11%
 + No, she said something similar, and he misheard. (1) 3%
 + Yes, but only to see if he was paying attention. (8) 23%
 + Yes, but only as part of a ploy to drive him slowly crazy. (16) 46%
 + Yes, and she meant it. (6) 17%


: Who do you think your favorite character will be? [30 votes total] : 

 + The Repository (4) 13%
 + Ms. Harper (9) 30%
 + Davis (8) 27%
 + The Golem (9) 30%
 + Mr. Tavlin (0) 0%


: Your favorite comic type so far? [23 votes total] : 

 + Usual style (9) 39%
 + Style deviations (0) 0%
 + One-panels (2) 9%
 + Technique (2) 9%
 + Anything (10) 43%


: What should Davis go with? [20 votes total] : 

 + Hair (17) 85%
 + Bandana (3) 15%


: Choose up to 4 of these: [61 votes total] : 

 + Leo Tolstoy (5) 8%
 + a banana (11) 18%
 + the undead (11) 18%
 + the criminally insane (10) 16%
 + a yo-yo (7) 11%
 + a two-headed cow (6) 10%
 + coffee (11) 18%


: Violence is not the answer, folks. [37 votes total] : 

 + knock down (2) 5%
 + drag out (6) 16%
 + chair whacking (8) 22%
 + table breaking (4) 11%
 + hog tying (10) 27%
 + slugfest (7) 19% 


: : Ms. Harper (select all that apply) Davis [70 votes total] : 

 + thinks a monkey is smarter than (17) 24%
 + wants to abuse and/or kill (15) 21%
 + wants to have sexual relations with (15) 21%
 + has embarrassing dreams about (23) 33%


: Lefty Links-  What about em? [13 votes total] : 

 + Amanda is rad and/or I am a rabid fan. (4) 31%
 + Less boring than laundry, more boring than TV. (5) 38% 
 + Can you say apathy? I knew you wouldn't. (4) 31%


: Polling habits! [49 votes total] : 

 + I always vote in polls. (15) 31%
 + I sometimes vote in polls. (26) 53%
 + I never vote in polls. (8) 16%


: When do you stop by? [84 votes total] : 

 + Just Sundays/Once a week (7) 8%
 + Mondays, or a work day (6) 7%
 + Sundays, sometimes another day (3) 4%
 + Sun. & Thurs./Twice a week (3) 4%
 + Randomly, who knows? (22) 26%
 + Every damn day. Hi. (23) 27%
 + I just got here! What do you mean? (20) 24%


: Do you hate me for not updating? [33 votes total] : 

 + Yes. (0) 0%
 + Yes, with a passion. (2) 6%
 + No, but still passionate about you. (6) 18%
 + No. Didn't really bother me. (2) 6%
 + Aw, I loves you baby! (16) 48%
 + Well, it got annoying. (0) 0%
 + I left and I haven't come back. (1) 3%
 + It's ok, the biweekly updates assuage my ire. (1) 3%
 + The ambiguous other. (5) 15%


: Which of these would you MOST like to see? [21 votes total] : 

 + More Dangerous Things (10) 48%
 + Wallpapers (1) 5%
 + Sketches or Doodles (2) 10%
 + More Quizzes (4) 19%
 + Search Engine (0) 0%
 + A Choose Your Own Adventure (4) 19%
 + Other (leave comment?) (0) 0%


: NOW who's your favorite character? [38 votes total] : 

 + Ms. Harper (8) 21%
 + Davis (4) 11%
 + Mr. Tavlin (2) 5%
 + Golem (8) 21%
 + ShaeDoll (3) 8%
 + Genevié du Aix (2) 5%
 + Monkey Deathbot (4) 11%
 + Patton (3) 8%
 + Spiderodents (4) 11%


: What should the winner of the next contest get? [26 votes total] : 

 + Piece of original art (not orig. comic page) (7) 27%
 + Cameo/request in an actual comic (13) 50%
 + Take over my rant space for an update (2) 8%
 + NOTHING! AHAHAHA! (4) 15%
 + Other (please suggest!) (0) 0%


: Is there too much junk on this site? [46 votes total] : 

 + There is way too much junk. (1) 2%
 + Well, there is kind of a lot... (5) 11%
 + Just the home page is junky. (4) 9%
 + No, just the right amount of junk. (25) 54%
 + There is not enough junk. (11) 24%


: Why do you vote for R.D.T.? [71 votes total] : 

 + Because I love it. (28) 39%
 + Because I love you. (19) 27%
 + Those sketches are badass. (5) 7%
 + Well, there was a contest. (1) 1%
 + I'm competitive on your behalf. (6) 8%
 + Some sort of guilt. (5) 7%
 + Because of I don't really know. (7) 10%


: Pick one! [161 votes total] : 

 + Yahtzee (11) 7%
 + Poker (28) 17%
 + Monopoly (53) 33%
 + Go Fish (16) 10%
 + Hungry Hungry Hippo (53) 33%